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Alter Ego Messiah Crest Token (D-SS04/019EN) [Stride Deckset - Messiah]
Alter Ego Messiah Crest Token (D-SS04/019EN) [Stride Deckset - Messiah]

Alter Ego Messiah Crest Token (D-SS04/019EN) [Stride Deckset - Messiah]

Rarity: Trial Deck
Set Name: Stride Deckset - Messiah
Card Number: D-SS04/019EN
Release Date: 2023-06-09
Unit: Crest
Grade: 0
Skill Icon: None
Power: 0
Shield: 0
Critical: 0
[CONT]:You can perform [Stride], and cannot ride grade 3 or greater cards without "Messiah" in their card names. [CONT]:The original [Power] of your grade 3 cards with "Messiah" in their card names become 13000. (Including heart cards) [CONT]:During your turn, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Messiah" in its card name, all of your front row units get [Power] +5000 for each face up card in your G zone. [AUTO]:At the end of your turn, unlock all of your opponent's locked cards, and bind those units.

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