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Best Moment, Stolas (D-PR/269EN) [Clash of the Heroes]
Best Moment, Stolas (D-PR/269EN) [Clash of the Heroes]

Best Moment, Stolas (D-PR/269EN) [Clash of the Heroes]

Rarity: Promo Rare
Set Name: Clash of the Heroes
Card Number: D-PR/269EN
Release Date: 2023-09-15
Unit: Normal
Grade: 2
Skill Icon: Intercept
Nation: Lyrical Monasterio
Race: Demon
Power: 10000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
[CONT](RC):If you have a total of three or more rear-guards with the Friend ability or Powerful ability, this unit gets"Boost". [AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your main phase, choose a card from soul, and put it into the drop. If you have a vanguard with the Friend ability or Powerful ability, choose a card from your drop with the Friend ability or Powerful ability, and you may call it to (RC). If you called a card, you cannot call cards from the drop until end of turn. (Putting a card from soul into drop is mandatory)

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