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Black Wisdom, Sraosha (G-BT13/053EN) [Ultimate Stride]
Black Wisdom, Sraosha (G-BT13/053EN) [Ultimate Stride]

Black Wisdom, Sraosha (G-BT13/053EN) [Ultimate Stride]

Rarity: Common
Set Name: Ultimate Stride
Card Number: G-BT13/053EN
Release Date: 2017-12-01
Unit: Normal
Grade: 3
Skill Icon: Twin Drive
Nation: United Sanctuary
Race: Angel
Clan: Angel Feather
Power: 11000
Shield: 0
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: L-Let me sort out the situation!
Rescue 1 -[ACT](RC)[1/Turn] Generation Break 1 :[Counter Blast (1)] Choose a card from your damage zone, heal it, choose one of your vanguards, and deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate) [AUTO](RC)[1/Turn] Generation Break 1 :[Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)] When a card with the rescue ability is put into your damage zone, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your damage zone face up, choose a face up card from your damage zone, and put it into your hand.

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