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Blazing Holy Sword Equip, Stravairina (D-BT13/001EN) [Flight of Chakrabarthi]
Blazing Holy Sword Equip, Stravairina (D-BT13/001EN) [Flight of Chakrabarthi]

Blazing Holy Sword Equip, Stravairina (D-BT13/001EN) [Flight of Chakrabarthi]

Rarity: Triple Rare
Set Name: Flight of Chakrabarthi
Card Number: D-BT13/001EN
Release Date: 2023-12-08
Unit: Normal
Grade: 3
Skill Icon: Twin Drive
Nation: Dragon Empire
Race: Talisman
Power: 13000
Shield: 0
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: Weaving together prayers from all around, clad in the flames of hope that saves the world.
Imaginary Gift: Persona Ride
XoverDress - One "Trickstar" and two or more "Prayer Dragon" with different card names (You may place it by stacking it on all of the specified units instead of normal calling to (RC))[CONT]Front Row (RC):During your turn, if this unit is in the XoverDress state, this unit gets [Power] +10000, and all of your vanguards with "Nirvana" in their card names get Triple Drive" and [Power] +10000.[AUTO](RC):When this unit in the XoverDress state [Stand] by your vanguard's ability, if your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, [COST][Counter-Blast 1], and [Stand] all of your or rear-guards. If this unit has five or more originalDress, remove all markers from your opponent's (RC), and retire all of your opponent's rear-guards.

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