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Circle Magus (EB07/022EN) [Mystical Magus]
Circle Magus (EB07/022EN) [Mystical Magus]

Circle Magus (EB07/022EN) [Mystical Magus]

Rarity: Common
Set Name: Mystical Magus
Card Number: EB07/022EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Normal Unit
Grade: 2
Skill Icon: Boost
Nation: United Sanctuary
Race: Human
Clan: Oracle Think Tank
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: Only a few can glimpse upon hope. Grasping it depends on the individual.
[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have an «Oracle Think Tank» vanguard, look at the top card of your deck, and put that card on top of your deck.

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