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Delicate Beauty Maiden, Candelaria (D-PR/129EN) [D Promo Cards]
Delicate Beauty Maiden, Candelaria (D-PR/129EN) [D Promo Cards]

Delicate Beauty Maiden, Candelaria (D-PR/129EN) [D Promo Cards]

Rarity: Promo Rare
Set Name: D Promo Cards
Card Number: D-PR/129EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Normal
Grade: 2
Skill Icon: Intercept
Nation: Stoicheia
Race: Bioroid
Power: 10000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: The flash of a graceful blade sprouts life.
[AUTO] [(RC)]: At the end of your turn, [Cost] [Retire this unit], and call up to two Plant tokens to (RC). (Plant tokens are grade 0/POWER 5000/ 1 Critical and have boost)

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