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Dragon Dancer, Barca (V-PR/0174EN) [V Promo Cards]
Dragon Dancer, Barca (V-PR/0174EN) [V Promo Cards]

Dragon Dancer, Barca (V-PR/0174EN) [V Promo Cards]

Rarity: Promo Rare
Set Name: V Promo Cards
Card Number: V-PR/0174EN
Release Date: 2021-01-22
Unit: Normal
Grade: 2
Skill Icon: Intercept
Nation: Dragon Empire
Race: Human
Clan: Narukami
Power: 9000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: I'll dance just for you, don't miss it!
[AUTO][(RC)]:At the end of the battle it attacked, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, [COST][Soul-Blast 1] & bind a card from your hand], draw a card, your opponent chooses one of his or her back row rear-guards, and moves it to an open front row (RC).

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