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Hungry Dumpty (EB08/020EN) [Champions of the Cosmos]
Hungry Dumpty (EB08/020EN) [Champions of the Cosmos]

Hungry Dumpty (EB08/020EN) [Champions of the Cosmos]

Rarity: Common
Set Name: Champions of the Cosmos
Card Number: EB08/020EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Normal
Grade: 2
Skill Icon: Intercept
Nation: Star Gate
Race: Alien
Clan: Nova Grappler
Power: 9000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: You are lunch. So keep quiet, food.
[AUTO]: When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a «Nova Grappler» vanguard, choose a card from your damage zone, and turn it face up.

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