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Imaginary Gift [Accel] (Pale Moon) (Foil) (V-GM/053EN) [Gift Markers]
Imaginary Gift [Accel] (Pale Moon) (Foil) (V-GM/053EN) [Gift Markers]

Imaginary Gift [Accel] (Pale Moon) (Foil) (V-GM/053EN) [Gift Markers]

Rarity: Gift Marker
Set Name: Gift Markers
Card Number: V-GM/053EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Imaginary Gift
Grade: 0
Skill Icon: None
Nation: Dark Zone
Clan: Pale Moon
Power: 0
Shield: 0
Critical: 0
When acquired, put this marker as a new front row (RC), and the unit on this (RC) gets [Power] +10000 during your turn! (Add it to the left of your front row's left (RC) first, then to the right of your front row's right (RC). After that, alternate between left and right)

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