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Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel (V-EB03/SV02EN) [ULTRARARE MIRACLE COLLECTION]
Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel (V-EB03/SV02EN) [ULTRARARE MIRACLE COLLECTION]

Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel (V-EB03/SV02EN) [ULTRARARE MIRACLE COLLECTION]

Rarity: Special Vanguard Rare
Card Number: V-EB03/SV02EN
Release Date: 2018-12-14
Unit: Normal
Grade: 3
Skill Icon: Twin Drive
Nation: United Sanctuary
Race: Human
Clan: Gold Paladin
Power: 12000
Shield: 0
Critical: 1
Imaginary Gift: Accel
[ACT](Hand):If you have "Knight of Superior Skills, Beaumains" and "Knight of Elegant Skills, Gareth" on your (VC) or (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1) "Crimson Lion Cub, Kyrph"], ride this card as [Stand], and if your opponent's vanguard is grade 2 or less, this unit gets drive -1 until end of turn. [AUTO](VC):When it attacks, you may call a card from your hand to (RC).

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