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Jovial Juggler (D-BT11/022EN) [Clash of the Heroes]
Jovial Juggler (D-BT11/022EN) [Clash of the Heroes]

Jovial Juggler (D-BT11/022EN) [Clash of the Heroes]

Rarity: Double Rare
Set Name: Clash of the Heroes
Card Number: D-BT11/022EN
Release Date: 2023-09-15
Unit: Normal
Grade: 1
Skill Icon: Boost
Nation: Dark States
Race: Succubus
Power: 8000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: This is where the real show begins! Please enjoy it to the end~!
[CONT] (Soul) :While choosing cards from your soul for your vanguard's ability, this card may be chosen as a grade 0. [AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from soul by the [ACT] ability of your vanguard with only "Pale Moon" for its clan, [COST][put one other rear-guard into soul], choose a unit card from your soul, and call it to (RC). At the end of that turn, put the unit called by this effect into soul.

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