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Stealth Beast, Katarigitsune (D-SS09/009EN) [Stride Deckset -Shiranui-]
Stealth Beast, Katarigitsune (D-SS09/009EN) [Stride Deckset -Shiranui-]

Stealth Beast, Katarigitsune (D-SS09/009EN) [Stride Deckset -Shiranui-]

Rarity: Trial Deck
Set Name: Stride Deckset -Shiranui-
Card Number: D-SS09/009EN
Release Date: TBA
Unit: Normal
Grade: 1
Skill Icon: Boost
Nation: Dragon Empire
Race: Warbeast
Clan: Nubatama
Power: 8000
Shield: 5000
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: According to the fox, darkness is the legacy of the demon dragon.
[CONT](Hand):While you are paying the cost for [Stride], this card may be discarded as a grade 3. [ACT](Hand):If you have a "Demon Stealth Dragon, Shiranui "Oboro"" crest, [COST][discard this card], search your deck or drop for up to one grade 3 card with "Demon Stealth Dragon, Shiranui" in its card name, reveal it and put it into hand, and if you searched the deck, shuffle the deck

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