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Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha (V-EB02/004EN) [Champions of the Asia Circuit]
Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha (V-EB02/004EN) [Champions of the Asia Circuit]

Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha (V-EB02/004EN) [Champions of the Asia Circuit]

Rarity: Triple Rare
Set Name: Champions of the Asia Circuit
Card Number: V-EB02/004EN
Release Date: 2018-08-03
Unit: Normal
Grade: 3
Skill Icon: Twin Drive
Nation: Star Gate
Race: Battleroid
Clan: Dimension Police
Power: 13000
Shield: 0
Critical: 1
Flavor Text: The combination of hearts of justice will overcome dimensions with infinite power!
[CONT](VC):If its [Power] is 35000 or greater, this unit gets [Critical]+1. [ACT](VC)[1/Turn]:COST [[Rest] any number of rear-guards], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn for each unit [Rest] for this cost.

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